Creating Charts from Custom Reports
October 5, 2021
Visualize success! The new QA Assistant Studio MAX v2.12 includes an upgraded, high-performance Custom Report module with customizable charts!
By using QA Assistant Studio MAX Custom Reports and Custom Charts in unison, you can create reports which meet virtually any set of conditions you define - nomatter how simple or complex!
Custom Reports
QA Assistant Studio MAX already had a best-in-class custom reports module, enabling you to compile meaningful reports to your exact specification. New to QA Assistant Studio MAX v2.12 are predictive text drop-down menus and a more powerful, high-performance search engine which can search and filter 10's of THOUSANDS of rows in just a few seconds.
Let's look at a basic custom report...
Of course there are several built-in reports we could select, but to demonstrate the ease and power of QA Assistant Studio MAX's custom reports, we'll create one from scratch. Let's create a report of AIAG / VDA Action Priority scores across all of our Process FMEAs.
To begin, add your preferred columns to the report.
Now let's add filter criteria to display only Process FMEA documents. We could create a filter to exclude Design FMEA documents; However, for clarity, let's define the criteria to be where the document Type Is Process FMEA.
When we Refresh this report, we get what's shown below. Wow! That was easy!
However... This report is 540 pages long and contains more than 50,000 rows!
We could jump straight to Custom Report Charts to help us visualize all of that information. But first, for the sake of this example, let's look at how we can refine our report results to get the information that's important to us.
We'll add additional conditions to the report's filter criteria. Below, I've added constraints to only search documents created between the October 1, 2021 and November 1, 2021. Within those documents, I am only insterested in Action Priorty scores of either 'H' or 'M'.
Of course, we can add and nest as many AND/OR groups as we need to really hone in on the results we're after. We can also apply detailed filtering to highlight rows based on our particular needs or interests.
Custom Charts
So how do you analyze all that Custom Report data? Easy: Custom Charts!
We could easily create charts displaying quantitative measures such as the maximum, minimum, mode, etc. of Severity, Occurrence, Detection values. We could graph the frequency of Potential Causes; set color-coded metrics for RPN scores; and so much more.
To demonstrate the power of QA Assistant Studio MAX charts, let's take a look at creating a more exciting chart. Since FMEA scores should be consistent, let's create a chart to help us visually identify inconsistent Severity scoring.
As we are using the results from the custom report we just created, the resulting charts will be filtered on those criteria as well. Exciting stuff!
Creating a chart to help us visually identify inconsistent Severity scoring...
In the Charts dashboard view, we'll click to add a new Chart Component to our report.
For this example, we'll add a descriptive title "Range of Severity Score per Failure Mode"; In Addition to graphing the range, we'll graph the mathematical Mode of the Severity score for each Failure Mode as a guide for our analysis.
Because of the size of our dataset, we'll adjust the graph offset to limit our graph to only a section of particular interest where there is substantial deviation in Severity rankings of a few Failure Modes. In our chart, the brightly colored bar represents the Mode for each Severity score, while the shaded region indicates the range of Severity scores given to that particular Failure Mode.
For example, by moving our mouse over one of the bars in the chart, we can see "failure mode 1" has been given Severity scores of between 3 and 8, with the most frequent value (mode) being 6. This is definitely a potential discussion point.
Other noteworthy variations are with the two first columns in our graph where there is a 4 point descrepancy between the mode and the lowest severity scores.
QA Assistant Studio MAX Custom Report Charts makes identifying these issues extremely easy and fast.
Custom Report Visual Dashboards
Once you see how easy it is to create one chart, you'll want more! Luckily QA Assistant Studio MAX engineers thought of that, too! So you may create up to 96 charts per custom report. Drag and drop them; Resize them; Add your own color theme.
With QA Assistant Studio MAX, the possibilities are virtually endless!