QA Assistant LLC is recognized by Enterprise Ireland as one of the top 8 high-potential businesses in the West of Ireland in 2010.
QA Assistant LLC's business plan received InterTradeIreland's Business Competition 2009 Highly Commended Award. Caroline Sweeney of InterTrade Ireland commented "Our judging panel were very impressed with the standard of [QA Assistant's business plan for 2010-2012]".
Ceim Enterprise Platform Programme in partnership with Ireland's Sligo Institute of Technology and Letterkenny Institute of Technology presented QA Assistant with a certificate of completion for a series of courses designed to accelerate business performance and conform with EU and worldwide regulations.
QA Assistant received this prestigious recognition in response to the company's current success, development in Ireland, and the significant company growth independently projected for the next few years.
World-renown semi-conductor manufacturer presented QA Assistant's Director of Engineering with two plaques in recognition of his involvement in establishing dedicated FMEA software for the company to use world-wide.