We have the Easy to Learn Solution!
July 29, 2008
The QA Assistant™ software is designed to be easy to learn and use while offering advanced functionality. Since you may not use the software on a daily basis, it is important to select software which is easy to use and pick up each time its needed. Our customers are provided with a number of resources to facilitate this learning curve. Even after only a 1 hour webinar, our customers are able to use some of the more advanced features!1-hour Webinars
As part of our FREE on-line support, we offer live webinars. These webinars start with the basics such as logging in and starting new documents. Within the hour, attendees even become comfortable with some of the more advanced features such as customizing Severity, Occurrence, and Detection tables.
Users' Guide
The software offers a Users' Guide in two formats--an Adobe Acrobat Reader (.pdf) document & a quick reference guide in the help documentation of the software. Both versions are available 24 hours/day and offer step-by-step instructions to complete most tasks.
Searchable Index
The software also offers a searchable index to quickly locate the step-by-step guide for your desired functionality.
Try it for yourself
Because you are able to delete any document you create, feel free to "play" around with the software yourself and learn from a hands-on approach!