FMEA Software Reaches New Heights

In an industry requiring extreme caution and careful business planning, Dubrovnik Airline, one among first IOSA registered charter airlines, use QA Assistant Studio™’s intuitive FMEA software, Control Plan software, and Process Flow software to reduce risk and increase revenue.

"We...have found QA Assistant to be a company we may rely on." -- Marko Marunić, Quality Manager, Dubrovnik Airline

FMEA Software used by Dubrovnik Airlines

Airport Dubrovnik
20213 Čilipi

Wednesday, 17 February 2010

To whom it may concern.

RE : QA Assistant FMEA Software, Control Plan Software, & Process Flow Software

Dubrovnik Airline, one among first IOSA registered charter airlines, use QA Assistant Studio™’s intuitive FMEA software, Control Plan software, and Process Flow software to reduce risk and increase revenue in an industry requiring extreme caution and careful business planning. We had been seeking a software solution to meet our business and quality documentation needs and have found QA Assistant to be a company we may rely on.

Key areas Dubrovnik Airlines benefits from using the QA Assistant APQP software include:

1. Cost Saving – reduction of quality administration and documentation costs;

2. Time Saving – significant improvement in usability, availability and traceability of the quality documentation;

3. Reducing Risk – enabling practical involvement of the supervisory personnel in identifying failures, causes and effects in the processes and products provides for realistic and cost-effective control measures, as well as for the accuracy of performance indicators and perception of actual threats to the operation and revenues.

Comparing to the other tools specially targeted to the aviation sector, we found QA Assistant to be affordable and intuitive software solution and proven realistic method that is an effective producer, aggregator and filter of the risk management process.

Dubrovnik Airlines would gladly recommend QA Assistant to any team looking to reduce their risk and improve their revenue stream.

Yours Sincerely,

Marko Marunić
Quality Manager