QA Assistant - Listening & Acting are Our Strengths!
August 1, 2013
"It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the ones most responsive to change."-Charles Darwin
Now, we like to think that we are strong and intelligent people here at QA Assistant, but we also realise that there's sometimes a better, more efficient way of doing things. You guys know this, evolution is at the very core of our businesses, that's why we use the magical tools of FMEA's, Control Plans, Process Flows.
QA Assistant Studio™ is an ever evolving product. We've already upgraded QA Assistant Studio™ 4 times in 2013. We are committed to assessing the current and future needs of our customers and have additional releases planned before the end of the year.
Some of our most inspirational ideas have come from our customers. We like to listen and in doing so we can provide our customers with what they actually want and not want we think they want.
Here are just some of the ways in which we listened and acted...
Bill of Materials
Both a hierarchy tree view as well as an aggregate list view of materials for assemblies, sub-assemblies, etc. is now available in QA Assistant Studio™! This functionality is fully integrated in the Project Assistant, making it easy to view relationships between assemblies, parts, and their related documents!
Improved Synchronization between Design FMEA, Process FMEA, Control Plans, and Process Flows
Synchronization now provides you with the tools you need to manage synchronized fields between Process Flow, Control Plan, Process FMEA, and Design FMEA documents - even after they've been created.
Create and include project header fields in exported documents
This new functionality in the Project Assistant enables you to create custom fields and include the custom fields in the header of related documents when exported to PDF or Excel. This enables one controlled document to be used across several products or customers, each with the project-specific information in the header of the document.
And the future roadmap is just as full of new exciting features, take a look…
Modular Documents (August 2013)
Individual process step modules may be selected and merged into one file to create the final FMEA, Control Plan, etc. In this way time is saved by having 1 ‘master’ document for each process step (i.e. one document for Receiving Inspection, another for each of the manufacturing process, etc) and, for all products/processes which use that process step (i.e. Receiving Inspection), just select to add it as a module to the current document. When the ‘master’ Receiving Inspection document is updated changes are automatically reflected in each of the other process documents which use that process.
If you are an existing customer we would welcome any suggestions you may have. If you are not yet a member you are more than welcome to join the team! Make the first move today by requesting a free evaluating of QA Assistant Studio™.