FMEA Software Makeover
January 19, 2009
If you think our previous FMEA software was good, wait until you see the new release!Cosmetic Update
We admit, being engineers sometimes limits our aesthetic insight. So for this new release, we brought in some graphic experts and really spruced up the place -- updating the look of the main FMEA interface, the team entry area, the Project Assistant™ and the document search area! The new FMEA software look also allowed us to make adding new entries and formatting take only 2 clicks!
New & Improved Features!
One of the new features is enhanced control over user access -- extending the cross-workgroup collaboration of the previous revisions to include cross-organization collaboration, as well!
The risk ranking functionality has also been improved! Members are still able to create an infinite number of customized Severity, Occurrence, and Detection Tables. But now, assessing risk for each field is faster and easier!
The software now also supports more than 25 languages which allows your company's members all over the world to use the same system.