QA Assistant Sponsors Young Scientists
May 4, 2019

Sebago, ME – Twenty-eight future scientists exhibited projects from diverse areas of study at the Sebago Elementary School Science Fair 2019 on Thursday, May 2.
The subject matter chosen by the Kindergarten through Grade 5 participants included Artificial Intelligence vs Human Intelligence, Applying Software to Science, Ecosystems, Pterodactyls, Why Roots Grow In Fertile Soil, Brain Tumors, Lyme Disease, Water Moving Sediments, Sugar in Foods, Extinct Birds, Horses and Their Senses, Monarch Butterflies, Color Preference Assessment in Dogs, Planets, Sound, and other exciting topics.
Sebago-based quality management software provider QA Assistant LLC sponsored the event. "A science fair is a fantastic opportunity for children to learn creative exploration, research skills, critical thinking, problem solving, public speaking, presentation skills, and more," said Joshua Loiselle, Director of QA Assistant LLC. "I’m always impressed with the creativity and enthusiasm that children bring to the science fair and this year was no exception."
The event, which was open to the public, also included several hands-on experiments for attendees to try including Refraction of Light, Static Electricity, and Liquid Density.
Each student who displayed a project received a trophy to acknowledge the student’s achievements in preparing and exhibiting at the event.